Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Oppression by Marilyn Frye-Quotes

Quote 1: "We hear that oppressing is oppressive to those who oppress as well as to those they oppress."
This quote actually made me laugh the first time I read it, because it's very true.  There is always a paradox to be found in situations like this. And in reality, the quote holds truth, to an extent.  If someone claims to another that they feel opressed, the other person can always come back with "well I'm more oppressed because..." and it seems to be a never-ending cycle.  There is always a way, it seems, for a man especially to come back at us with such a phrase.

Quote 2: "Both heterosexual activity and heterosexual nonactivity are likely to be taken as proof that you wanted to be raped, and hence, of course, weren't really raped at all."
This quote makes me want to like, kill somebody.  I hate people who think that women are asking to be raped, or that they should like it, and things like that.  The fact that anyone can think a woman wants to be sexually violated  is sick.  I would love to know why people think that way, because I really don't understand it...I did some research and here's an article I found on myths about women and rape: Myths About Rape

Quote 3: "People can and do fail to see the oppression of women because they fail to see macroscopically and hence fail to see the various elements of the situation as systematically related in larger schemes."
I think this quote strikes a chord in me because it is the same exact thing that non-heterosexual people are facing in today's society.  Most people look at the little things, "oh, they have the ability to get a civil union", or "oh, they can have children", but do not take the time to step back and realize that the war for rights is still raging on, just as it is with women equality.

Points to Share

Today, I was getting into the car with my boyfriend and we happened to be talking about gender equality.  He said "Well if women want to be equal, that's perfectly fine, but then they expect men to wait on them hand and foot.  Where is equality when the bill comes at dinner?"  I wanted to know what people think of this.  I never thought of it that way, because women run around saying "chivalry is dead" and yet we are the ones fighting for equality with men.  How does it apply in that situation?  And do you think he's right, or should we still expect men to be as chivalrous as they were when they courted women without the rights and money we have today?


  1. I don't want to start a riot or cause anyone to throw things at me lol but I feel that if we (women) want to be equal we should be willing to live up to the equality. When taking physical tests women should be made to do normal push-ups not "girl" push-ups. When there is a large or heavy item that needs to be moved, we should move it or get help moving it. But I know I am guilty of finding a guy to lift it for me. And I never even offer a helping hand. If we want our men to go out and work hard to support the family we should be willing to do the same. I am not saying that you or anyone else in the class does any of the above mentioned things I am just weighing in on what I see out there in the real world.

  2. hello :) i agree with heather's point of view. that we as women should be willing to be equal, so if we give a punch we should be willing to receive a punch. what i mean with this is that sometimes we as woman (including myself) feel like we can get away with small infractions because we are women, however if a man were to do them we expect them to get full punishment. So we if want equality we should be willing to accept the same punishment.

  3. I agree with all statements above... But as far as dating goes, I believe that the women should be the one to be chased, and I would not turn a man down that wanted to pay for dinner or open the door for me :)

  4. p.s. I do think that rights and oppurtunites for men and women should be equal... but men have their strenghths and women do too when both sides equally express them thats what makes the world go round!

  5. I agree with your opinion on the 2nd quote, and that link was really helpful.

  6. as much as i agree with the need to play on a more even playing field i have always had an issue with the whole equality (or lack there of) thing. with out wearing a badge on my chest or stamp on my fore head, i must say that i am the epitome of "minority"; i am a woman, i am african-american, i was born in poverty, i am by difination of the lower class. However i EXIST and that should be the deciding factor. There is no reason to expect equality ( and if that is hard to swallow then i'm sorry but we often get caught up in the spelling of the word rather then the meaning of the word, so to speak). I'm just trying to say that the corralations between you and anyone are always once removed. even siamise twins are not of one. once there is a saparate brain stem they are different and can only expect equality up to a point, thus the reason as much as women think it's ok to allow or worse expect the man to pay for dinner and a movie they think they should make the same 60 thousand that joe makes. if joe has to pay to eat so why shouldn't you... i expect to be treated JUST... it is far more important then being equal.

  7. I agree with you Heather on your comment, but just because all women want to be equal politically, economically, doesn't mean physically. Some men can't even do push ups..haha. But honestly, I don't think things like that matter. I don't know if I'm speaking for all women, but I know i'd be satisfied being equal politically and with jobs. I don't think women should work just as much as men and not get paid as much, etc.
